According to the OFW, this happened just last May 3, 2017, when her roommate approached her to let her know that she has been using the OFW’s mouthwash since the roommate forgot her toothbrush from her own place. At first, the OFW was angry because she doesn’t want anyone to use or even touch her things without her permission. But later she realized that she doesn’t own a bottle of mouthwash at all.
Puzzled by what her roommate confessed, the OFW asked which bottle she used. That is the time her roommate showed her almost-half consumed bottle of PH Care. PH Care is a feminine wash and is not intended to be taken orally. The OFW grew worried upon learning this because it may have adverse effects to her roommate. When asked how is she doing, the roommate answered that she is fine and that she actually enjoyed using the mouthwash since it is cooling. True enough, the PH Care variant was Cool Wind, which is formulated to bring a cold feeling to a woman’s private area.
Many netizens found the story funny and some even shared their own mishaps with PH Care. One user even shared that they did not know it was a feminine wash at first because it was being used by their maid as a dishwashing liquid. On the other hand, a few Facebook commenters defended the roommate and her privacy since it appears that she is being ridiculed in social media. However, the names and pictures of the OFW and her roommate were not shown and the actual post was shared anonymously, ensuring that no privacy issues have been breached.
The story may be funny, but it also tells us, especially when we start living overseas, to be wary of the things you use and intake all the time.